Bereite ein fleischloses Mittagessen zu, das deinen Geschmacksnerven schmeichelt und deinen Körper nicht belastet. Spinatgnocchi mit drei Käsesorten sind schnell zubereitet und du hast Zeit, dich zu entspannen. Oder ein Birnenglas...
10.07.2023 1 minute
Schnelle und gesunde Schokolade Rezepte von NEBBIA GirlsSchokolade – eine Süßigkeit, die uns Freude und Genuss bringt. Probiere die beliebteste Süßigkeit der Welt in den Lieblingsrezepten von NEBBIA Girls. Und das ganz ohne Reue. Wir fügen unseren Schokoladenrezepten die Ernährungswerte hinzu, damit du Süßes essen und trotzdem fit sein kannst.Rote-Bohnen-Brownies von KlaudiaZUTATEN:1 Dose rote Bohnen (240...
07.07.2023 1 minute
Gesund, schnell, süß – einfach lecker. Du kannst dir ohne Reue ein Birnen-Dessert gönnen, wenn du eine Naschkatze bist. Nährwertangaben pro Portion:257 kcal 18,2 g Eiweiß 27.5 g Kohlenhydrate 7,6 g Fette Zutaten pro Portion:50 g Birnen1 Tl Honig 160 g griechischer Joghurt (0,3 %)15 g dunkle Schokolade (85 %...
27.06.2023 1 minute
Hast du dich jemals gefragt, wie es wäre, ein glückliches und ausgeglichenes und stressfreies Leben zu führen? Auch ein vielbeschäftigter Mensch kann sich gesund und fit fühlen und in Harmonie leben. Es ist Yoga, das körperliche und geistige Gesundheit verbindet. Im Power Yoga werden die gleichen Positionen wie im klassischen Yoga verwendet und seine Vorteile helfen uns, in der heutigen hektischen Zeit eine höhere Lebensqualität ohne Stress und eine schmerzende...
21.06.2023 4 minutes
Asiatisches Hühnchen ist eines der superschnellen und leckeren Rezepte für Mittag- oder Abendessen. Die Kombination aus gesunden Zutaten mit einem unverwechselbaren Honig-Soja-Geschmack kann von jedem zubereitet werden. Mit den Nährwerten von Hähnchenwürfeln hast du die volle Kontrolle darüber, was du isst. Lass uns mit uns kochen. FÜR VIER PORTIONEN...
15.06.2023 1 minute
In Zusammenarbeit mit FitMeal und Klaudia Mikitkova haben wir gesunde und schmackhafte Rezepte vorbereitet, die Zeit sparen und dir die nötige Energie für deine sportlichen Aktivitäten liefern. Als erstes wird ein saftiges, mit Hähnchen und Prosciutto gefülltes Sandwich deinen Geschmacksnerven schmeicheln. Neben der Zubereitung und den Zutaten für das Sandwich findest du auch wichtige Nährwerte, die dir helfen, deine Ernährung unter Kontrolle zu...
02.06.2023 1 minute
Stelle dir die perfekte Fitnessbekleidung vor, die dir hilft, deine Grenzen zu überwinden. Mehr Energie für deine Muskeln, ein geringeres Verletzungsrisiko, schnellere Erholung. Und noch dazu bequem, auch wenn sie deine Figur perfekt umhüllt. Das ist die neue Kompressionskleidung aus der INTENSE-Kollektion. Während des Trainings bietet sie dank ihrer innovativen technischen Eigenschaften unendlichen Komfort. Sie unterstützt deine Leistung und die Erholung müder Muskeln, und das...
12.05.2023 4 minutes
Gesundheit und körperliche Kondition sind für viele Frauen zu einer Lebenseinstellung geworden. Es gibt aber auch Frauen, die Fitness in Vollzeit leben. Eine von ihnen ist Maureen Blanquisco, Gewinnerin der Bikini-Fitness-Olympia 2022. Sie ist eine der erfolgreichsten Fitness-Ikonen der Welt und ein Vorbild für viele Fitness-Frauen, die hart arbeiten und ihre Ziele kompromisslos verfolgen. Sie ist das Gesicht unserer neue Kollektion NEBBIA INTENSE geworden, die wir mit dem Ziel...
28.04.2023 8 minutes
Short but intensive trainings are becoming increasingly popular. It is also a consequence of the fast times we live in, when we don’t have time for regular exercise.Our work, family, friends and other commitments don’t allow us to spend hours in the gym or get prepared for a marathon. Fortunately, we know that even 15 minutes a day can help us shape beautiful curves. There are several reasons why it is worth investing your time in a 15-minute workout. Here are some of...
05.04.2023 3 minutes
Nowadays, when most of our work is done in front of a computer, a sedentary lifestyle is becoming our everyday reality. But the more time we spend sitting, the more we damage our health. According to the World Health Organization, more than 60% of the world’s adult population suffers from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. According to the official definition, the average individual engages in less than 90 minutes of physical activity per...
24.03.2023 4 minutes
Nachhaltige Mode ist zu einem wichtigen Thema für mehrere slowakische Marken geworden. Gleichzeitig ist es IN, umweltfreundliche Fitnessbekleidung zu kaufen. Auch die harten Fakten belegen es. Stell dir vor, dass seit 2015 insgesamt 93 % der Verbraucher entweder mehr nachhaltige Produkte gekauft oder ihre Einkaufsgewohnheiten im vergangenen Jahr beibehalten haben. Laut der ...
18.03.2023 3 minutes
Es gibt unterschiedliche Ansichten dazu, ob Frauen im Fitnesssport schwächer sind als Männer und ob sie andere Trainingsansätze haben sollten. Du willst mehr darüber erfahren, ob noch Vorurteile im Fitnesssport herrschen, wie man sie überwinden und seine Ziele unabhängig vom Geschlecht erreichen kann? Wir haben einen Blick ins Leben unserer Markenbotschafterinnen geworfen, damit sie uns Einsicht in ihre Erfahrungen und Ansichten zu Frauen in der Fitnesswelt gewähren...
12.03.2023 6 minutes
Fitness heroines who have influenced generations Today, fitness and exercising for women is commonplace, but it wasn’t always so. According to historical sources, a woman with a dumbbell in her hand could still be seen in the 1940s only in a circus. In the 1970s and 1980s, strength training for women was a very controversial topic and was often accompanied by prejudices and misconceptions. Women who worked out with weights...
01.03.2023 6 minutes
According to statistics, approximately 40.7% of people in Slovakia have sedentary work and half of them sit for an average of eight hours a day. Sedentary work and our lifestyle are often associated with a variety of health problems that affect the quality of our life. The most common problems reported by people working sedentary is lower and upper back pain, shoulder pain, elbows pain and wrists pain. We often tend to associate...
28.02.2023 3 minutes
Are you constantly wondering how to overcome yourself and start working out at the gym? We know the feeling when you suddenly see a pile of exercise equipment in front of you, wondering which one to try first. How am I supposed to work out with all that stuff? Your current fitness or a few extra pounds are no reason to feel that bad. Quite the contrary. It’s admirable that you decided to make your dream come true and want to feel better. Seeing brawny counterparts in...
26.02.2023 4 minutes
Inferiority complex is one of the problems that many women face. And the fitness community is no exception. Comparing oneself to others and a constant pursuit of perfection can lead to feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem. This is even more true in areas where performance and appearance are important. It is important to realise that we each have our own unique journey and value, and that we are never comparable to someone else. Our duty is to love ourselves...
19.02.2023 9 minutes
I look terrible. I’m not worth anything. No one likes me. Bad things keep happening to me. Why does this keep happening to me? Why can’t I be happy? I’ll never get it the way I want it. All my relationships are bad. Everyone always hurts me. Do you ever say these sentences to yourself? Do you recognise yourself in them? Do you feel like the whole world has turned against you? If so, read on, because you probably have a problem...
17.02.2023 3 minutes
Valentine’s Day is here and we are surrounded on all sides by love. We therefore come with the topic of relationships. And our life makes them even more important. If we don’t have happy relationships, we don’t live a happy life. And so we are mostly struggling with how to improve our current relationships. This applies to all relationships – in partnership, family, friendship and work. But what few people realise...
14.02.2023 3 minutes
Self-love is a fundamental key to sustainable happiness and fulfilled life. Self-love is essential. When we take good care of ourselves, we improve our physical and emotional health and ability to form strong relationships. There are many small things we can do for ourselves every day to feel better and improve our lives. Self-love is about caring for your body and mind with love and attention. With these 11 small things, you can take a step towards a happier life....
13.02.2023 6 minutes
A great way to stay motivated and inspired to achieve your goals is to have your own mood board. Information processed using images is much more effective. They affect our psyche, evoke emotions and help us relate better to our ideas. If your dreams, goals and visions are still only in your head, now is the right time to get them out. We'll show you how to easily create your own moodboard. Moodboard is a visual presentation of your...
22.01.2023 4 minutes
Diet plays a key role in all processes in the body. With the help of metabolism, food is transformed into energy, which the body needs for its proper functioning. The quality and balance of the diet affect the condition of each organ in the body and how it functions. But you probably already know this, so let's move on to the more important facts. What does the daily calorie intake include, why is it...
20.01.2023 4 minutes
The beginnings of training can be difficult for many. You keep asking yourself: “Am I doing it correctly?”. Which is why we prepared training videos for you, showing you how to exercise your whole body and enjoy movement without injuries. The videos will be useful to more experienced men and women seeking inspiration for new exercises. Check if you are working out correctly and make progress quicker! Squat The king of exercises and one of the basic...
19.01.2023 4 minutes
Strong legs will support you during your performances. Most exercisers for men typically focus on shaping the chest, biceps, shoulders and back. But legs are often missing from the training plan. Muscle imbalance will occur if you load the upper body disproportionately to the lower body. And it's not just about aesthetics. Health problems, such as muscle shortening and disruption of movement stereotypes, can also occur, which can lead to injury. Unfortunately,...
19.01.2023 5 minutes
In the past, malnutrition and lack of vitamins or minerals was a common part of civilizations around the world, whether in poor African areas, among seafarers and explorers, or in remote areas with a lack of raw materials for their population. Today, we would say that similar problems with a lack of vitamins and minerals do not threaten. After all, every day we come across a number of nutritional supplements that are available to everyone, or the principles of a healthy...
19.01.2023 4 minutes
Food is what unites us all, but also divides us. It's nothing new that even eating is subject to trends, according to which we follow, try different regimes and diets, test whether they suit us, and maybe even experiment a little with our body. Are you curious which trends are currently dominant in nutrition and dieting? Let's take a look at it together with nutritionist Zuzka Líšková. Limit carbohydrates to...
16.01.2023 4 minutes